Sunday 20 June 2010

Once bitten forever smitten - Children's Cakes

What were your birthday cakes like? Can you remember the excitement of the lights dimming, the swell of voices singing "Happy Birthday to You" the candle covered cake being proffered, the huge intake of breath, all leading to the moment when you blew out the candles in one long wwhfff and made a wish.
Children's cakes should be exciting and continue the party themesuch as the Hungry Catterpillar as you can get plates, paper plates, napkins, a tablecloth and invitations all to match.

The great thing about a big cake and cupcakes is that the big cake can have candles in it and be the focus for singing Happy Birthday and you can give a cupcake to everyone to take home in a party bag, so maybe choose fondant topped ones rather than buttercream!
The Hungry Catterpillar cake is ideal as you can have as long a caterpillar as you need to get the right amount of cake.

best wishes, Janet

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